February 2023 St. Andrews Alumni Council Meeting. Pictured top to bottom, left to right: Dr. Heather Jenkins Brazzell, Gary Brazzell, Jennifer Sink, Bill Rinker, Gregg Stupinski, Cooper Davidson, Tommy Love, Martin Brossman, Hunter Allen, Jeff Robertson, Justin Jetton, Tim Rankin, Charles “Wally” Mann, Dr. Keith Wade, Richard Yercheck)
We proudly present the current members of St. Andrews Alumni Council. This dedicated group includes seven past council presidents/chairs, business owners, higher education professionals, c-level professionals, recent graduates building their careers, and valued alumni from all walks of life. They join us from North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Florida, Texas, Oregon, and Hong Kong. Moreover, we are excited to welcome new members who have not served on council previously. St. Andrews Alumni Council seeks to have one third of its membership be new to service on council as well as to have members from a range of decades.
(◊) Welcomes a first-term-ever council member (∆) Recognizes a past council president/chair (*) Recognizes a current or past member of the Board of Trustees