St. Andrews Alumni Council is a group of alumni volunteers, recognized by the college, in service to both the alumni and St. Andrews. Twice per year, in the spring and fall, St. Andrews hosts this group on campus in Laurinburg, NC. There, in weekend-long retreats, we hear presentations from college presidents, vice presidents, other administration, faculty, and students. We help with events planning, communications, promoting charitable support of St. Andrews, consulting for St. Andrews, and other various tasks inspired by council or requested by the college. We also task ourselves with nominating future council members to represent the decades of different graduating classes.


The purpose of St. Andrews Alumni Council is to foster good will on the part of the broader alumni body and others toward St. Andrews. For this purpose, members are encouraged to communicate actively with other alumni and other St. Andrews constituencies.


St. Andrews Alumni Council strives for multiple objectives.

  • To promote the continuity of St. Andrews’ alumni community past graduation.
  • To promote continuity of St. Andrews’ best traditions.
  • To promote charitable gifts to St. Andrews, in order to pass the legacy on to the future.


St. Andrews Alumni Council tasks itself with:

  • Serving as an advisory committee at the pleasure of the college president, campus president, alumni director, and the administration.
  •  Serving as a focus group for the administration.
  •  Serving as a creative and brainstorming group for the administration.
  •  Serving as a body of volunteers for Alumni Weekend and other functions.
  •  Offering consultancy and technical advice where a member has applicable professional experience.
  •  With the general consent of St. Andrews administration, devising and implementing special projects that promote the objectives of St. Andrews and St. Andrews Alumni Council.

Not a Governing Body

For clarification, the administration (such as the college president, campus president, and alumni director) manages St. Andrews under the governance of the Board of Trustees. St. Andrews Alumni Council has no management responsibilities or privileges related to the governance of St. Andrews.