Post Tagged with: "Accolades"
St. Andrews Earns GuideStar’s Gold Seal of Transparency
The GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency certifies that St. Andrews has for years made public the information about financials, leadership, donation information, and more.
St. Andrews Among the Best Colleges in North Carolina by Salary Potential
PayScale ( names St. Andrews in its 2021 short list of “Best Colleges in North Carolina by Salary Potential.” Their ranking system includes early career pay, mid-career pay, and the percentage of alumni who say their work makes the world a better place.
St. Andrews Equestrian Education Is One of the Most Celebrated in the Country
St. Andrews proudly offers one of the nation’s most well reputed equestrian education programs. Check out what equine-oriented publications and higher education publications are saying about St. Andrews.
St. Andrews Ranked Best Value MBA Program
Of the 82 colleges offering graduate degrees in North Carolina, St. Andrews made the 2021 list of the top 14 best value MBA programs.
Recent St. Andrews Accolades
St. Andrews has long been considered that hidden gem of Southeastern colleges. Today is no exception.